L. Muh Khaerunnizar


About Me


Industrial Engineer & Data Enthusiast.

An industrial engineering graduated from the University of Technology Yogyakarta with a keen interest in data analytics, supply chain management, and process optimization. Experienced in production optimization and process improvement during an internship. Have a strong analytical mindset and problem-solving abilities. Possesses solid leadership and teamwork capabilities. Eager to apply engineering and data analytics skills to contribute to drive growth in a forward-thinking organization.

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Microsoft Office (Word, Power Point, Excel)100%
Microsoft Visio80%
AutoCAD & Inventor 75%
SPSS & Minitab 90%
BI Tools (Tableau & Power BI) 70%
SQL 80%
Python 70%
R 60%
HTML 55%

Core competencies

Data Analysis80%
Business Analyst & Development80%
Project Management 75%
Quality Assurance and Quality Control 80%
Production Evaluation and Optimization 70%
Production Planning and Inventory Control75%



L. Muh Khaerunnizar

Innovative and data-driven person with passion for data analysis and business. Has a mission to see the truth through the data.


Bachelor of Industrial Engineering

September 2018 - July 2022

Universitas Teknologi Yogyakarta

  • GPA: 3.86 of 4.00
  • Final Poject: Implementation Of Text Mining for User Reviews in Airline XYZ Service Quality Analysis



Production Staff Intern

Oktober 2021 - December 2021

PT Sinar Semesta - Klaten, Indonesia

  • Ensured products consistently met strict quality and quantity standards.
  • Applied lean methodologies and value stream mapping to identify and eliminate non-value-added activities.
  • Successfully identified and eliminated 14 non-value-added activities in the production of Base Plate R-54.
  • Ichieved a 5% reduction in production cycle time and a substantial 21% decrease in transport time for Base Plate R-54 production.
  • Gained hands-on experience in problem-solving and process improvement in a manufacturing environment.

Head of Venue & Layout Department

February 2020 - April 2020

Dies Natalies Teknik Industri, Universitas Teknologi Yogyakarta

  • Led a team of 7 individuals in the Venue & Layout Department, demonstrating strong leadership skills.
  • Successfully identified and secured appropriate venues for concerts and events, ensuring a memorable experience for attendees.
  • Designed and executed optimal stage setups that captivated audiences and enhanced event aesthetics
  • Managed the logistics of event entry and exit, guaranteeing a seamless and efficient flow for all participants.
  • Strategically positioned sponsor boards to maximize visibility and exposure, contributing to the event's success.


Here are the things that I've been doing so far.

Sourcing Analytics: Identify and Select Suppliers for DRAM of ABC Computers

ABC Computers is one of the Indonesian computer manufacturers. In this project, we are focused on finding suppliers for DRAM components for ABC Computers products. In this project, we are going to do multiple analyses, including market intelligence, to identify the right suppliers and their offerings. supplier analysis, to analyze the risk and strength of the suppliers. and lastly, the supplier score sheet, to rank the best suppliers that meet the criteria.

* All the data and tools used to complete this project are provided by scdata.ai
** Please click on the eye icon in the right-top corner to see the analysis.

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How do I know if I have an inventory problem?

This project is focused on the retail industry in China. In this project, we are going to compare the two biggest retail players in China, in this case, Alibaba Group and JD.Com. We are going to discover if the two companies have inventory problems.

* All the data and tools used to complete this project are provided by scdata.ai
** Please click on the eye icon in the right-top corner to see the analysis.

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How may inventory drive the financial performance?

This project is focused on the retail industry in India. In this project, we are going to discover how inventory drives a company's financial performance.

* All the data and tools used to complete this project are provided by scdata.ai
** Please click on the eye icon in the right-top corner to see the analysis.

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Assessing industries by inventory over total asset

This project is focused on the Indian industry. In this project, we are going to discover in which industries inventory is important and in which industries it is less important. To answer the questions, we are going to determine it by the KPI of inventory as a percentage of total assets.

* All the data and tools used to complete this project are provided by scdata.ai
** Please click on the eye icon in the right-top corner to see the analysis.

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Enterprise Diagnosis Mini-Project: Overview of Energy Industry in Indonesia

In this project, we are going to do competitive research in the energy industry in Indonesia. What we are going to do is identify the strengths and weaknesses, conduct value driver analysis, and conduct breakdown analysis.

* All the data and tools used to complete this project are provided by scdata.ai

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Competition Positioning Mini Project

This project was made to see how companies position themselves among their peers. This project will focus on the energy and mining sectors in Indonesia. At the end of this project, we are going to discover: competition positioning—where do I stand in the competitive landscape; enterprise ranking; and KPI examination.

* All the data and tools used to complete this project are provided by scdata.ai

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Job Opportunity Analysis in Indonesia

This project was made to see which industry has the most opportunity for job seekers. This project will focus on the energy, materials, and industrial sectors. At the end of this project, we are going to answer three main questions: where to locate, where industry to enter, and which company to work for.

* All the data and tools used to complete this project are provided by scdata.ai

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Supply Chain Analytics

This project was made to share the learnings I had from course "Supply Chain Foundations: Analytics" by Eddie Davia, Associate Chair for the ASU Supply Chain Management program

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Sea Level Predictor

This project was part of Data Analysis with Python by freecodecamp. In this program there are 5 projects that must be completed to complete this program.

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Page View Time Series Visualizer

This project was part of Data Analysis with Python by freecodecamp. In this program there are 5 projects that must be completed to complete this program.

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Demographic Data Analyzer

This project was part of Data Analysis with Python by freecodecamp. In this program there are 5 projects that must be completed to complete this program.

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Demographic Data Analyzer

This project was part of Data Analysis with Python by freecodecamp. In this program there are 5 projects that must be completed to complete this program.

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Mean-Variance-Standard Deviation Calculator

This project was part of Data Analysis with Python by freecodecamp. In this program there are 5 projects that must be completed to complete this program.

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Supermarket Sales Dashboard

The Supermarket Sales Dashboard is a powerful tool that provides a comprehensive and intuitive overview of the sales performance in the supermarket sector. It is designed to help the team easily track and analyze critical sales metrics, enabling us to make informed business decisions.

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Adidas US Sales Dashboard

The Adidas US Sales Dashboard provides a comprehensive and interactive overview of Adidas's sales performance in the United States. It presents key sales metrics for the company.

It's essential to note that the data presented in the dashboard is fictional and for illustrative purposes only.

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KFC South America Sales Dashboard

The KFC South America KPI Dashboard provides a comprehensive overview of key performance indicators for KFC's operations in the South American region in 2022. It offers valuable insights into various metrics that measure the company's performance and success in the region.
Please note that the data presented in the dashboard is fictional and for illustrative purposes only.

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Website Kopi Kuy

Kopi Kuy is an exciting retail coffee startup with a mission to provide its customers with top-quality coffee. As part of their web design project, the team demonstrates their foundational expertise in HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, and JavaScript to create an engaging and user-friendly website.

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In the Data Cleaning with SQL project, we start by working with raw data obtained from Nashville's housing market. The data may contain inconsistencies, missing values, duplicates, and other anomalies that need to be addressed before further analysis.

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The Google Playstore Reviews Scraper is a Python web scraper designed to extract all the reviews for a specific app from the Google Playstore. This tool automates the process of gathering user feedback, which can be time-consuming if done manually. By utilizing web scraping techniques, the scraper navigates through the app's page on the Playstore, retrieves the reviews, and organizes them in a structured format for further analysis. You can refer to this article for more detail on step by step process.

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The Flight Delay in US Tableau Project is a data visualization project that provides valuable insights into flight delays in the United States from January 2017 to July 2022. The visualization is created using Tableau, a powerful data visualization tool.

The interactive nature of Tableau visualizations empowers users to drill down into specific details, compare different carriers' performance, and identify trends and patterns in flight delays.

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The Bike Sales Excel Dashboard is a data analysis project that aims to explore the correlation between various factors and customers' purchase decisions in the context of bike sales. The dashboard is created using Excel, showcasing fundamental data analyst skills such as data cleaning, formatting, and visualization.

By utilizing Excel as the primary tool for this project, the dashboard provides a user-friendly and accessible platform for data exploration and analysis.

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The Electrification Ratio in NTB Excel Dashboard is a data analysis project that focuses on understanding the growth of electricity coverage in the region of NTB (Nusa Tenggara Barat) in Indonesia. The project uses data from both PLN (Perusahaan Listrik Negara), the state-owned electricity company, and non-PLN sources to calculate the electrification ratio over the years from 2014 to 2021.

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The World COVID-19 Data Exploration using SQL project aims to analyze and uncover valuable insights from global COVID-19 data. The project utilizes SQL to clean and process the data, making it ready for exploration.

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The World COVID-19 Visualization in Tableau is a project that aims to present the insights gained from exploring global COVID-19 data in a visually appealing and interactive dashboard. After cleaning and processing the data in SQL and creating important views, Tableau is used to build an informative dashboard for a deeper understanding of the pandemic's impact worldwide.

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Exploratory data analysis (EDA) is an important activity in the routine of a data analyst. It enables an in-depth understanding of the dataset. As a beginner in exploratory data analysis (EDA) with Python, you will embark on a journey of discovering valuable insights from datasets. EDA is a crucial step in the data analysis process, allowing you to gain a deeper understanding of the data and draw meaningful conclusions.

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Data visualization is an essential component of data science and analytics. It involves presenting data in graphical or visual formats, making complex information more accessible and understandable. As the saying goes, "Pictures speak louder than words". Visual representations of data help us understand complex information at a glance.

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Data Visualization with Python Matplotlib for Beginners - Part 1

In this introductory project, we will explore the fundamental concepts of data visualization using the Matplotlib library in Python. Matplotlib is a powerful and widely-used library that allows us to create various types of charts and graphs to represent data visually.

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Data Visualization with Python Matplotlib for Beginners - Part 2

Welcome to the second part of our data visualization project using Matplotlib in Python! In this phase, we will explore more advanced visualizations, taking our skills to the next level.

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Python Voice Assistant

Python Assistant (PA) is an innovative voice-command-based assistant service written in Python. Its primary function is to recognize and understand human speech or voice commands, enabling users to interact with it naturally. PA can perform a wide range of tasks, including making searches on Google and YouTube, retrieving definitions from Wikipedia and reading them out loud, and facilitating language translation from the target language to the user's native language.

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Exploration of Indonesian COVID-19 Data Using Python

The "Exploration of Indonesian COVID-19 Data Using Python" project aims to analyze and understand the COVID-19 situation in West Java Province, Indonesia. As COVID-19 continues to impact communities worldwide, it is essential to gather and analyze data to gain insights into the spread of the virus.

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Lombok Timur, Indonesia



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