about me

L. Muh khaerunnizar

I am fresh graduated with interest in Data Analyst, evaluation and optimization production operation, facilities and technical, advanced using the software AutoCAD, Inventor, arena simulation, Python, R, SQL and have a good skill on analyzing data. I have experience in competitions regarding product design. I have strong interest in technical, business and passion towards strategy who distinctively learn everything that involves technologies, economic and energy development sector.


Universitas Teknologi Yogyakarta (September 2018-July 2022)
Major: Industrial Engineering
GPA: 3.86 of 4.00
Final Project: Text Mining Implementation on Users' Review in The Quality Service Analysis of Maskapai XYZ

licenses and certifications

  • Google Data Analytics Professional Certification
  • Fresh Graduate Academy-Data Analyst
  • Six Sigma Yellow Belt
  • Project Management Essentials Certified
  • Lean Management
  • Sertifikat Kursus K3L: “Metoda Investigasi Kecelakaan – Studi Kasus Industri Manufaktur"
  • Microsoft Office Specialist: Word 2013


    • Data Analyst
    • Business Analyst & Development
    • Project Management
    • Quality Assurance and Quality Control.
    • Production Evaluation and Optimization
    • Production Planning and Inventory Control


    • Microsoft Office (Word, Power Point, Excel)
    • Python
    • SQL
    • R
    • Tableau
    • SPSS, Minitab & POM-QM
    • AutoCAD & Inventor
    • Microsoft Visio

    You can never cross the ocean unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.
    -Christopher Columbus-